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Quit Your Daycare Director Job and Start a Preschool – with Melanie Mkwayi

    If you want to quit your daycare director job, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Melanie Mkwayi worked in the corporate world and hated it. After getting her degree in early childhood, she became a director at a daycare center. The hours were so crazy, that she just couldn’t continue in the position. After racking her brain about what she could do, she found Joy and decided to start her own preschool! Listen in to discover how you can quit your director job, too!

    Melanie Mkwayi got her masters in early childhood education because she wanted to work in education. But after becoming a director at a daycare, she had no time left for her own family. Her husband is a truck driver and works over nights so she needed to be home and present with her family. When she found out she could start an online preschool, she was sold on  the  idea.

    Melanie participated in one of Joy’s challenges to start up her preschool, but she had some cool ideas to  make her program stand out. Using individual assessments, learning apps, focus groups and scholarships, Melanie has been able to give different tiers of support in her program.

    Melanie says she  would not be where she is today without Joy and the Preschool All Stars. It’s a community of people who “get it.” They encourage her and push her to be the best version of herself. When she is discouraged, she goes there to vent and is immediately surrounded by love.

    Melanie decided to go with a faith based program. Her motto is “Laying the foundation biblically and academically.” She loves being able to integrate her faith into her preschool, and the parents love it too! She also loves that she gets to teach with her 3 year old and involve her in her classes every day!

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