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Add a Kindergarten Program To Your Preschool – Follow Up with Karisa Day

    If you want to add a kindergarten program to your preschool, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Karisa Day  is a certified teacher who started her own local  preschool. Last time we spoke, her program was full and she was thinking about adding a Kindergarten program.  This year she decided to make it happen, and now she has a full Kindergarten class! Listen in to discover how you can add a kindergarten program, too!

    Karisa Day loved owning her own preschool. She filled her program fast and was 3 years in when she had parents of graduating preschoolers telling her that they didn’t want to send their kindergarteners to the public school. She saw this as an opportunity to fill that need in her community

    Karisa’s Kindergarten class is full and she absolutely loves that she gets to work with some older kids, and that she gets to continue teaching the kids that she has taught for the past 3 years! 

    Karisa’s next step would be to expand her school out of her house and into a larger building, but she is waiting on the real estate market to settle down before she makes that move. For now she is trying to find that work life balance and spend time building curriculum for her new kindergarten class. 

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