I always respond, “There were a lot of reasons. But only one reason really mattered: I wanted to stay home with my children and be the primary influence in their lives.” And without being home, I wouldn’t have caught my daughter’s first smile on camera! (See picture above!) Being home with my children is the absolute greatest blessing and reward that comes from my choice.
So what are the other reasons, and how else has this job blessed my life? If you remember, the driving force behind me choosing to start this business came from my divorce a few years ago and subsequent need to support my 3 children by myself. I had to find a way to pay the bills in 30 days or we would be out on the street. No fear could ever be more real or more threatening than that.
Options to make money
I thought I only had 3 options to provide for my family:
- I could get a job and put my kids in daycare. The thought of being apart from my children as they struggled through the divorce literally made me sick to my stomach. I actually lost 10 lbs. during the divorce and have no doubt that it was due to the intense stress I was put under with feeling like my kids were going to be taken away from me and put in daycare. I wanted to stay home with them and be there when they needed me!
- I could work lots of little jobs from home that would hopefully combine to make a full-time income. But having tried several at-home opportunities like eBay and Pampered Chef, I knew I couldn’t continue to send my children out of the office all day while I told them: “I’m sorry I can’t play with you right now. Mommy’s working.” I wanted to spend quality time with them at home while I worked!
- I could start a home daycare. After talking to other daycare owners, however, I realized that I would be working 12-hour days watching other people’s children and I would be thoroughly exhausted at the end of each day. I wanted to give them a happy mother and a stable home!
Looking for a different option
So in reality, NONE of those were options for me. Because none of those choices allowed me to spend quality time with my children at home while I worked. So I searched for a new option. And after discovering that I could start a preschool, only work 5 hrs. a day, spend quality time with my kids while working, and still make $4,200/mo. I knew it was the perfect job for me!
Learn more about the preschool business
- I can finally PLAY with my children while I work! It’s sometimes been hard for me to put away the daily tasks and actually sit down and play with my children. Now we play all the time and spend real quality time together during Arts & Crafts, Story Time, Free Play, Rhythms & Movement, and much much more!
- I can finally SUPPORT my children! Each month I know exactly how much I am going to make, because my preschool students have registered under a 9-month contract. I know that I will be getting paid for the next 9 months (and 3 months for summer camp) and I don’t have to constantly keep advertising!
- I can finally HELP OUT the family budget! What a relief it is to know that my preschool income adds money to our family budget each month and helps pay bills. It’s almost like an insurance policy just in case something happens and we need more money!
- I can finally GET PAID what I’m worth! I know that my skills and talents are worth way more than I could ever make in the workforce, especially after I would have to pay the daycare bill and actually take home much less money. I love that I only work a few hours each day and yet make over $40/hr.!
If you chose to start a preschool, how has it blessed your life, or how can it bless your life?
I haven’t started a preschool yet but I’m working on all the licensing requirements right now – I can’t wait! I’m LOVING all the training videos each week! Thanks!
Joy thanks for sharing your adorable picture of your little girl! I love staying home with my kids too!
To start my own preschool will benefit so many folks – my family, my community, my neighborhood, other families. It’s great karma Joy, that comes right back to YOU. Thank you for the wonderful system – a beautiful idea that blesses everyone in your circle of light.
Best from Las Vegas,
Hi Joy, Just wanted to say I loved the picture of your beautiful baby. That is fabulous you can stay home, why wouldn’t anyone who have these beautiful kids ever leave them.
This new site should have all mom’s and dad’s wanting to start a preschool. Good luck and best wishes to you and your family.
Antoinette Klinakis
Your enthusiasm and my youngest family member encouraged me to write a book. The first part is done (ahead of professional editing – any editors out there?)
Joe Caulfield
It all sounds like all good news about you. I can’t say much cause i’m still in school trying to get a certificate, so your news is always good. You are blessed.
I am teaching my grandchildren twice a week. We call it “School Time,” and not preschool, as I only have 2. It is fun and we are enjoying each other greatly. I have taught k-1 for many years, so this comes naturally and there is no pressure.
Joe congratulations on your upcoming book! The best advice I can give you is to find a great publisher first. They’ll have their own editing team. All the best!
Hi Joy!
I just LOVE your Teachers in Training videos. I am working on getting my preschool set up but unfortunately I have to wait cause I live in an apartment and it would be a no-no to have a business here. I am looking for a house, but in the meantime I am going to school to get my education degree, collecting all the supplies and materials I need when I do open! You make it so easy for us who love children and want to be a preschool teacher! Thank you so much!!! BTW, I have been practicing with my 2-year old great niece and she just loves hanging her work on my living room wall! She loves all of the letters and numbers, posters etc. I have on my walls.
Thanks again Suzanne
Joy you are a bright spot in a decaying world. You are such an optimist and we need more people like you help us all feel better since this old world and economy is not so good. I am in the process of opening a licensed day care with a preschool with it. Continue to spread hope and joy since there are so many people in the state of Georgia where I am from with out teaching jobs because of the economy. I hope they can start a preschool in their own home and use their teaching education for something. God bless Ting
hi joy,
ur baby is so cute..very nice smile…
That is a wonderful feeling!
Hi!! I am in the process of starting a preschool to start in Sept 2011…I’ve run into a county issue though where they say I need a permit (cost is $6000!!). Has anyone else run into this?? Advice?? I’m in WA State. Thanks!
And thank you Joy for all your insight and words of encouragement!!!!
Hi Tisha,
Thanks for sharing your struggle with Washington’s permit. I personally had to get a planning & zoning permit (perhaps that is what you have to get?) that cost around $400. But $6000, yikes! Not sure if we have any others who’ve run into that problem, but if anyone else is from WA please share any ideas if you have…
hi, i read your website and comments and im so eager to hear your seven secrets. i have a beautiful pre-school of my own but i need to expand dont know how help
I am so excited about your “preschool in a box” and using the curriculum you provide in starting my own Pre-k program. the kit seems to have a wealth of helpful info plus some. Ive been searching for something like this for awhile now, thank you for creating it! I just need a direct link to your catalog or ordering website. 🙂
I just found out about the PIAB Giveaway, but fear I may be to late! 🙁 I plan on using your system in starting my own program in Michigan the coming year, hopefully beginning May 1 depending on if we can financially start that soon, if not, September 1. But I absolutely LOVE your system, viewed a preview of the curriculum/lesson plans, and adore it! We grew up in a era of “letter people”, and I remember how much that “sank in” so to speak, so your “letter pals” curriculum is RIGHT on with my style of teaching. Thank you so much! 🙂
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