If you want to empower parents, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Jelly Malenga has worked with kids for over 20 years. She has worked in every capacity from babysitter to director, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that she could be doing things differently, reaching more children and helping more families. She decided she needed to break free from the brick and mortar model and find a way to help parents teach their kids. This is how her On Demand preschool classes came into being. Listen in to discover how you can empower parents, too!
Jelly Malenga has a passion for helping families. But she wanted a wider reach. She knew there was more she could be doing, but didn’t quite know how to put her dream into practice. After being discouraged from even trying from people she knew, she put her dream on the backburner. That is, of course, until she found Joy!
After Reading Joy’s book, Jelly had all of the answers she had been searching for. She needed to move to an online platform, and she wanted to do pre-recorded lessons, so the parents could be there to help their own children learn, using her as a guide.
With the help of Joy and the Preschool All Stars, Jelly has made her dream a reality. They gave her the tools, knowledge, and support to set up the program that she has been dreaming about for years. She loves the support, and the endless resources she is provided from the group.
Jelly is only 3 weeks into her online preschool, but she already has students from all around the world! Her parents are already asking her if she is going to provide a kindergarten program. She said she feels alive, and her life is more exciting now since she has embarked on this new chapter. Her goal is to sign up 100 students, and is thinking about expanding to upper grades as well!
Additional Resources:
- Enroll in Jelly’s preschool today
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)
- Join my Preschool All Stars membership to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training for every step of your preschool journey