If you want to Face your fear of failure, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Lynn Crawford had been a school bus driver for 20 years. She loved being with the kids, but was tired of being in the driver’s seat. She wanted meaningful interaction, and she knew she had the heart to teach. Lynn struggles with a fear of failure that we all feel from time to time, but she decided that she wasn’t going to let that stop her from reaching her goals. She now owns a local and online preschool, and gets excited to go to work every day! Listen in to discover how you can face your fear of failure, too!
Lynn Crawford has always been the kind of person to talk to anyone about anything. She would pick up the kids at the bus stop, and listen to their quirky conversations as she drove them to school every day. She wanted to interact with them in a way that would leave a lasting impact, and once she saw an ad for Joy’s program, she knew that was what she needed to do.
After reading Joy’s book, Lynn knew that her plans to start a daycare were gone. A Preschool was the way to go, and she quickly pivoted her energy into all things preschool. With Joy’s step by step program, it was easy to set up a program that checked all of her boxes.
With the help of Joy and the Preschool All Stars, Lynn was able to overcome her fear of failure and create a business that is thriving. She loves that everything is laid out for you, so there is no second guessing whether you are doing things right. She was given everything she needed, and that gave her the confidence to leave that pesky self doubting voice behind.
Lynn now has a local AND online program. She is even starting Spanish classes for adults next month! Lynn believes that you should never stop learning, and she has learned a whole lot this past year! Her next step is to get a bigger space and hire staff to grow her program. As she feels that self doubt creeping back in, she knows now that she can overcome anything as long as she doesn’t give up!
Additional Resources:
- Enroll in Lynn’s preschool today
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)
- Join my Preschool All Stars membership to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training for every step of your preschool journey