Local micro schools… They’re all the rage nowadays. You’ve heard about them in the news. Maybe your friend across town talked about it the other day. But you’re still left wondering: What is a micro school… and can you start one!? Join us today for a very special episode from our Full by Fall summit, where Heather Hauser talks all about: “Local Micro Schools: How to Identify Your Community’s Need and Fill It!”
Additional Resources:
- Enroll in Heather’s micro school today
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)
- Join my Preschool All Stars membership to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training for every step of your preschool journey

An you please contact me in the morning as early as 7 cause I know your busy with your pre school! 410-982-7994 Yarborah Williams. . I need a little belo (questions) I e been reading the book ! Saw a few of the videos! Help! Thanks a bunch thanks
Hi Yarborah! So glad you already have the book! We would love to help you create a successful preschool! Please follow these 2 quick steps to get started:
1) Join our FREE Facebook group for free training: http://www.facebook.com/groups/preschoolsystem
2) Join Preschool All Stars to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training: http://www.preschoolallstars.com
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