If you want to keep your day job and start a preschool, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Randi Carroll was an administrative assistant and needed to figure out how to bring in extra income before she quit her job. She didn’t want to quit cold turkey, so she’s teaching online preschool classes in the evening and weekend to build up her online business, until it turns into a full-time income. Listen in to discover how you can keep your day job and start a preschool, too!
Randi Carroll was an administrative assistant, going to school to become a school counselor. But when she discovered that she would have to complete her practicum in a school during her work hours, she had to change course. As a single mom, there was no way she could quit her job to do her student teaching and not earn money for her family.
After the disappointment from having to drop out of school, Randi decided to go on a search for her next step. She found Joy’s book and read it in two days. The part about starting an online preschool sounded like a great idea. Randi is able to teach her online preschool after work, and absolutely loves getting to teach kids from all around the country.
Preschool All Stars has given Randi a community of women to bounce ideas off of and to motivate her when things get hard. She was able to get one-on-one help with starting her website when she hit a snag, and she absolutely loves having a group of like-minded women to help her on her journey.
Randi is hoping to expand her online preschool to add more days, and eventually make it into her full-time job. She has 18 students signed up right now from all around the US, and she can’t wait to get to the point where it is covering all of her bills so she can just focus on the preschool.
Additional Resources:
- Enroll in Randi’s private school today http://www.leilanionlinepre-k.com
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)