If you want to start a preschool but you don’t have the right degree, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Miranda Rodriguez was a volleyball coach who needed to find a new job after her family moved to a different state. She was already homeschooling and teaching her own children Spanish and English, so she thought she could add a few students and make some money. After joining Preschool All Stars she enrolled 28 students in her online bilingual preschool! Listen in to discover how you can start a preschool without the right degree, too!
Miranda Rodriguez had taught volleyball for the past 8 years and loved it. But her husband’s job moved her to a new state, and she found herself in a low place. Not knowing what to do for work, and feeling down without the support of her friends and family, she stumbled across Joy and Preschool All Stars.
Miranda has a 5 year old and it was very important to her that she be able to speak both Spanish and English. She was already homeschooling her, so she decided “Why not add some more?” She opened her bilingual preschool online and 3 months later she has 28 students both local and across the state!
Preschool All Stars was there for Miranda every step of the way. She said for any excuse she had to not do it, they gave her a reason to keep going. She loved all of the prepared forms and step-by-step guidelines on how to set up her online program.
Now Miranda has big plans in Fall 2021 to open up a local bilingual preschool. She has already built up a large local clientele list that she is hoping will transfer from online to in-person classes. She loves that she can teach in the mornings and still have plenty of time for her family, while making an income doing what she loves!
Additional Resources:
- Enroll in Miranda’s preschool today: https://www.clasedecamila.com/
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)

It is very enlightening to hear what you are doing. I wish you the very best on your endeavor. I love Spanish too. It is extremely important to learn another language. It is good to make friends from all walk of life.
Absolutely! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We would love to help you create a successful preschool! Please follow these 3 quick steps to get started:
1) Get our FREE BOOK to help you start your preschool: http://www.freepreschoolbook.com
2) Join our FREE Facebook group for free training: http://www.facebook.com/groups/preschoolsystem
3) Join Preschool All Stars to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training: http://www.preschoolallstars.com
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