If you struggle to put yourself first and find that you’re constantly giving without taking time for yourself… tune in because we’re going to show you that it’s time to invest in yourself. This is your time!
Today my guests are Collette Brunson, Kirsten Brockner, and Nicole Goggins, hosts of the Sharing Her Journey podcast. They are amazing moms and women who share stories that help other women come together and feel less isolated.
We discuss mom guilt and how to get rid of those feelings, the importance of connection, and why the relationship with your kid is more important than having a perfectly tidy house.
This conversation will empower you to pursue your own dreams and be a great role model for your kids, so tune in right now!
Sharing Their Journey: Nicole, Kirsten, and Collette
I’ve worked with so many moms over the years and I know how difficult it is to just take some time for yourself, whether to start a business, a podcast, or just get a massage. Today I wanted you to meet these three amazing women who went after their dreams and conquered feelings of mom guilt.
Being a Role Model
Nicole, for example, has always been a stay-at-home mom, but she still had dreams. And as the everyday motherhood journey carried on, she started a food blog to keep herself engaged. As she was writing and publishing, she noticed that her kids liked seeing her getting things done.
Today they’re proud of their mom and her podcast, and Nicole believes that being a good mom is all about being a good role model. She wants to show her kids that you can go after your vision and accomplish it, whatever that vision may be.
She shows her children complete love and is definitely present in their lives. But, that doesn’t mean that she ignores what she wants to do, and she thinks her kids can only benefit from seeing a driven and successful mom.
Not One Size Fits All
Kirsten always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. She was working as an interior designer, but when she had her second kid, she decided it was time to make her dream come true. She loved her time as a SAHM and found it very fulfilling. At some point, she decided to get back into work part-time, so she could adjust her schedule to her kids. But, when her family needed the extra income, she went into it full-time. Kirsten admits she struggled at first.
She wrestled with mom guilt and she still does. For her, the most difficult part is feeling like she’s doing a good job on both fronts. Still, she’s grown more secure in her choices and she believes that you can be both a great mom and a great businesswoman. And just like Nicole, she’s happy to see her kids proud of their mom!
Finding the Imperfect Balance
Collette always wanted to be a mom and today she has five amazing kids! For her, motherhood was all about balance. As a natural nurturer, she had to find a way to put herself first sometimes as well.
Another hurdle she had to jump over was perfectionism. Growing up she had an aunt who always had a perfectly tidy house, and Collette believed for a long time that a perfect house is a realistic goal. Today, she’s OK with some mess. After all, there are five kids in her house!
And really, when it comes down to it, what matters is the relationship you have with your kids. They aren’t going to remember if the mirrors were smudgy one day, but they will remember the love and attention you show them.
How to Flip the Script and Get Rid of Mom Guilt
On that note, Nicole wanted to underline that one hour of quality time always beats a long day of not doing much with your kid. What matters is always, always the relationship. If being successful and going after your dreams makes you happy, you will bring that happiness to your relationship with your kids.
We all struggle with negative self-talk, and that’s especially pronounced when you think about your kids. For me, when I was building my preschool business, I constantly had this phrase on loop in my head: “My kids will be hurt because I work”.
How did I flip that script? I changed one word. The word that was bringing all this negativity was the word “hurt”, so I flipped it with “blessed”. My kids will be blessed because I work.
With just that one switch, I went from thinking my children are lacking to thinking my kids will have a stable family life and a good future because I work.
Of course, it takes some work to change these negative phrases, but I want to invite you to identify what that phrase is for you and just try and flip it to the positive. As you start repeating this new phrase, try to truly embrace the truth of that and see how far you can come!
Why Collette, Kirsten, and Nicole Decided to Start a Podcast
At first, the idea was just to record their conversations for their kids. Then, they realized the power that lies in the connection between women. When Kirsten was a SAHM for ten years, she did feel isolated. There are a lot of feelings that can get bigger than you unless you share them and realize that other moms feel it too.
This drive to make women feel less alone is at the basis of their podcast. So many women have come on the show and shared their stories and the community response was incredible. Women really came together to validate and recognize each other’s experiences and this was something that brought everyone closer.
For Collette, Kirsten, and Nicole the podcast was also a chance to explore their talents and learn more about themselves.
Additional Resources:
- Listen to the Sharing Her Journey podcast: https://sharingherjourney.com
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)