If you want to stay home with your little ones, listen to today’s Preschool All Stars story: Kristen Lucas Smith was a college professor who couldn’t fathom leaving her miracle baby in daycare. She prayed for a solution to stay home with him, and she was blessed with her dream job: an opportunity to share her love of God and the Spanish language with preschoolers online!
How It All Started
Kristen Lucas Smith has taught college online for the past 8 years, but after having her miracle baby, she was worried she might have to put him in daycare, and she couldn’t fathom having to be away from him.
Kristen was searching for something she could do to make an income, while being able to still prioritize her role as wife and mother. That’s when she stumbled upon an ad for Joy’s program. After much thought and prayer, she felt she was being called to open a preschool where she could teach kids about God, while also teaching them Spanish. And so, La Casa Bilingual Preschool Online was born!
What Has the Preschool All Stars Group Meant for Kristen
Joy and the Preschool All Stars have pushed Kristen to be more confident in herself. They not only pushed her to step outside of her own comfort zone over and over again, but she teaches some of the All Stars’ children, which shows Kristen how much they truly believe in her to do a great job!
Kristen now teaches preschoolers in over 10 states and she even has a student in Puerto Rico! She loves sharing her love of God and the Spanish language with her students. Her ability to make her own schedule leaves plenty of time for her family and her other passions, and she couldn’t be happier with where she is at on her journey.
Additional Resources:
- Enroll in Kristen’s preschool classes today: http://www.lacasabilingualpreschoolonline.com
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)

I love the idea of doing preschool online
I love the idea of doing preschool online. I can’t wait to start my online preschool I have a family home daycare I want to turn it into a preschool
That will be an amazing transition! We would love to help you create a successful preschool! Please follow these 3 quick steps to get started:
1) Get our FREE BOOK to help you start your preschool: http://www.freepreschoolbook.com
2) Join our FREE Facebook group for free training: http://www.facebook.com/groups/preschoolsystem
3) Join Preschool All Stars to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training: http://www.preschoolallstars.com
Glad you love the idea! We would love to help you create a successful preschool! Please follow these 3 quick steps to get started:
1) Get our FREE BOOK to help you start your preschool: http://www.freepreschoolbook.com
2) Join our FREE Facebook group for free training: http://www.facebook.com/groups/preschoolsystem
3) Join Preschool All Stars to get mentorship, support, friendship, and training: http://www.preschoolallstars.com
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