During the pandemic, we lost the ability to teach in classrooms… with materials… and in person. But what we didn’t lose was our connection and our community. And in fact, what we gained was a deeper realization that when preschool is stripped to its very core… at the heart of it all is wonder. Join us today as Sally Haughey shares with us the wonder of play-based learning.
Sally is the CEO and founder of Fairy Dust Teaching, a preschool built on the passion for the wonder and magic in early childhood. They believe young children have the right to play and to be collaborators in their learning. Above all, they give children permission to dream and follow their intuition.
Sally is also the author of the book the Wonder Art Workshop and she just organized a summit that brought together over 70.000 people in the preschool space! Today we discuss the power of community and relationships based on play, join us!
How the Pandemic Reinforced the Need to Connect
Sally has a tradition of organizing summer conferences, but this year in particular, such an event was desperately needed. With everything shutting down, it was amazing to see the entire preschool community and get together to imagine what early education might look like in the future.
At the time of the conference, Sally was in lockdown, trapped in Morocco. She had a need to create something magnificent and give back to the community. With 70.000 people showing up, she was amazed at the response. We at Preschool All Stars can’t wait for the next summit!
Relationships Are at the Core of Everything
Having traveled the world and especially during the pandemic, Sally realized that relationships are what matters the most. We can go virtual and lose play-based, in-person learning, but no one can take away the love and support we provide children.
More than that, she also realized that playing is the most powerful curriculum there is. When she walked past a playground in France the other day, she felt what was going on, despite not understanding the language. The same thing could have been going on anywhere in the world. Play is universal and Sally’s mission is to bring that gold standard globally. Everything she does is built for that.
Will Children Be Set Back Because of the Pandemic?
For Sally, the whole notion of children having a lot of catching up to do is ludicrous. She believes that each child is unique and there is no absolute standard to which they need to “catch up”. Emotional being is incredibly important in any learning process. As we go through the collective trauma that is the pandemic, children too need their space. It’s OK for them to fall behind and then renew whatever is needed.
It all goes back to trusting children.
We need to trust their play and their interests. These interests drive the play and drive the development of the child, this is a cycle that works at any age. Play is the highest level of education because it develops thinkers.
As teachers, our role is to facilitate that process. It all starts with your perspective on the child, and Sally sees children as completely capable, competent, and allowed to take some risks and push the boundaries a little bit.
The Power of Being Witnessed Is Huge for Young Children
In the process of playing, our role is to support, love, and trust the child. Risk is necessary for them to learn and build their capacities. Play is also a social activity that inspires collaboration. It gives you an opportunity as a teacher to help kids resolve conflicts and learn from their social interactions.
Most importantly, kids learn how to solve their own problems and stand up for themselves.
In her 20 years long career, Sally found that what kids really need is to be heard. Kids need the space to express their ideas and theories. When you take them seriously and respect their identity, you validate children’s experiences and help them grow into healthy and happy adults.
Children are full human beings, whether they’re 2, 3, or 5 years old. They have a right to be heard and take an active part in their development. As teachers, our main task is to support them in this endeavor.
Additional Resources:
- Join the waitlist for Sally’s upcoming summit: www.fairydustteaching.com/waitlist
- Head over to Apple Podcasts to hear the full interview. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. (We hope we’ve earned your 5 stars!)
- Start my FREE “7 Students in 7 Days” Challenge”
- Get my FREE “Start Your Preschool” Book (+$7.95 s&h)